A Xerox acaba de anunciar que foi indicada como líder no Quocirca 2024 Managed Print Services Report pelo 15º ano consecutivo.
No atual ambiente de trabalho híbrido, as ofertas de serviços de gestão de impressão (MPS) continuam a ser essenciais para melhorar a automatização do fluxo de trabalho, aumentar a eficiência, reduzir o impacto ambiental e melhorar a segurança.
Os Xerox Managed Print Services ajudam as empresas a compreender e otimizar as suas necessidades de transformação digital no local de trabalho. À medida que a Xerox continua a sua reinvenção, o seu foco renovado em impulsionar o crescimento através de ofertas de serviços digitais permite-lhe oferecer uma das ofertas de MPS mais abrangentes em impressão de escritório e de produção.
“Over the past year, we’ve continued to expand and enhance our digital services offerings to extend our MPS portfolio,” said Terry Antinora, senior vice president and head of product and engineering at Xerox. “By building on our strong foundation of advanced analytics and robust security, we’re well positioned to continue leading the market while driving client success.”
Xerox was praised by Quocirca for its enhancement of sustainability offerings, new Verified Carbon Neutrality service, significant investments in digital transformation solutions and continued improvements of its broad workflow automation portfolio. The report also notes the company’s investment in AI-enabled service and support as a key differentiator.
Quocirca said, “Xerox is one of the few vendors heavily investing in artificial intelligence (AI) across both its operations and service offerings. AI forms the backbone of its advanced analytics services and mature predictive service capabilities. As part of its broader automation services, the Xerox Intelligence Document Processing (IDP) capabilities powered by AI, are now a key component of its MPS offering, reflecting the company’s strategy of shifting towards digital services.”