Xerox anuncia novas soluções para tornar o trabalho híbrido mais produtivos e com menos esforços de TI

A Xerox apresentou um conjunto de novas soluções e serviços projetados para acelerar a transformação digital, a produtividade e a segurança no local de trabalho híbrido, ao mesmo tempo que economiza tempo e reduz os problemas de TI.

“A Xerox está a impulsionar a inovação nas áreas onde os nossos clientes mais necessitam”, afirmou Terry Antinora, vice-presidente e gestor geral de soluções de oferta global da Xerox.”

“Com o foco na experiência dos utilizadores, as soluções Xerox oferecem tecnologia abrangente e segurança de última geração. Estas novas ferramentas ajudarão a aumentar a produtividade dos clientes e apoiarão um ambiente de trabalho seguro e sustentável nos locais de trabalho híbridos.”


The following updates are the latest in a recent surge of print, document management and workflow automation innovations designed for hybrid workers:

  • Xerox® VersaLink® C415/B415/C625/B625 MFPs and the Xerox® VersaLink C620/B620 Completing a total refresh of its A4 printers and multifunction printers (MFPs), the Xerox VersaLink family enables more than just print. The MFPs use machine learning to recognize common tasks and suggest more efficient processes, eliminating programming steps and saving valuable time. High-capacity scanning quickly turns hardcopy into digital files and initiates digital workflows. 
  • Xerox® Intelligent Filer – This scanning app leverages artificial intelligence to provide automatic categorization, standardized naming structures and suggest filing locations that enables users to easily find filed documents in the right location with the right name. 
  • Xerox® Workflow Central  This platform makes it easy to instantly transform paper and digital documents on any device including PCs, tablets, mobile devices and MFPs automating the most tedious document centric tasks. The update adds three workflows along with an automation tool that reinforces hybrid work practices and security. New capabilities include:  
  • Workflow Automation: enables users to create their own custom workflows to streamline everyday tasks based on conditional formatting that runs in the background when those conditions are met (just like if this, then that). 
  • Protect: adds a protective wrapper around shared documents to track, restrict and even allow deletion when forwarded on to others.  
  • Send Fax: Cloud-based send fax capabilities for hybrid workers.

  • Convert to PDF: Converts image-only pdfs to archival or text searchable formats.  

The company has also made key enhancements to Xerox® Managed Print Services (MPS).

Xerox MPS now includes cloud-native printer fleet maintenance and supplies management and adds automated driver deployment for any brand of printer. The latest developments are powered by the Xerox Workplace Cloud software platform which eliminates the need for onsite print servers and related costs and provides a zero-footprint solution. This cloud-first approach is designed to meet the needs of any client, regardless of size. Fleet security management updates enable detection of suspicious activity for rapid incident response.